Monday, December 5, 2011

Dark Guardian Fan Pic

I read an article about Real Life Super Heroes (RLSH), people who dress in a costume and do things like homeless outreach programs, fight crime, and keep the peace. After reading, I did more research into the various heroes out there doing their thing; Most of it was kind of a joke, but one of these superheroes was actually putting himself in the line of fire to make a difference. He calls himself "Dark Guardian" and lives in New York. I watched this man (who isn't a giant by any means), stand up to drug dealers twice his size and make them back down. Too many people turn their heads to violence and crimes going on, if they cared as much as this man, the world would be a lot better off. In his honor, I did this picture of his silhouette on a dark guardian logo with a quote I found that I thought was fitting. I sent him the picture and he contacted me back in an email as well as placed it on his facebook page.

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